This content is intended for Health care professionals in South East Asia. Content in videos is intended to provide procedural educational insight and is the opinion of the presenter or author. Johnson & Johnson Medical does not endorse the use or promotion of unapproved products or indications.
LINX® Reflux Management System - Clasp Closure
Managing Dysphagia following LINX® Surgery with John Lipham, MD
How does GERD Progress with Tom DeMeester, MD
Management of the Hiatal Hernia - Dr. Lipham
What is your Post Op Process for LINX® with Tripp Buckley, MD
What do You Tell Patients Right After LINX® Surgery with John Lipham, MD
Thoughts on LINX® Clinical Data with John Lipham, MD
Motility Assessment Prior to LINX® Surgery with John Lipham, MD
LINX® Reflux Management System: Collaborating to Offer the Procedure - Gopal Grandhige, MD
Where Does LINX® Fit in the Care Continuum with Tom DeMeester, MD
The Importance of Diet in the Recovery from LINX® Surgery with John Lipham, MD
LINX® Reflux Management System - Device Removal Walk-through