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Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Using the HARMONIC™ 1100 Shears and ECHELON™ Flex ENDOPATH™ Stapler with Kelvin Higa, MD

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Using the ENSEAL™ X1 Straight Jaw Tissue Sealer and ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler with Kelvin Higa, MD

Sleeve Gastrectomy Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler with Staple Line Reinforcement and Harmonic™ 1100 Shears with Betsy Dovec, MD

Sleeve Gastrectomy Using HARMONIC 1100 Shears and the ECHELON 3000 with Brandon Helbling, MD

Value of ECHELON ENDOPATH Staple Line Reinforcement in Robotic Bariatric Procedures

Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy Using the ECHELON 3000 Stapler and ECHELON Staple Line Reinforcement with Brian Binetti, MD

Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy Using the ECHELON ENDOPATH Staple Line Reinforcement with Omar Bellorin-Marin, MD

Laproscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy with ECHELON™+

Sleeve Gastrectomy Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler and ENSEAL™ X1 Straight Jaw Tissue Sealer with Kelvin Higa, MD

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy using ECHELON+ with Kelvin Higa, MD

Sleeve Gastrectomy Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler with Staple Line Reinforcement and ENSEAL™ X1 Curved Jaw Tissue Sealer with Jason Radecke, MD

Sleeve Gastrectomy with the ECHELON 3000 stapler and ECHELON Staple Line Reinforcement