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Managing Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis with Suken Shah, MD
Posterior Correction of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis with Attention to Differential Rod Contouring with Dr. Suken A. Shah (Full Surgical Video)
Posterior Correction of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis with Attention to Differential Rod Contouring with Dr. Suken A. Shah (Back Table Rod Contouring Only)
Syndromic Early Onset Scoliosis with Michael Glotzbecker, MD
Congenital Vertebral & Chest Wall Deformity: Managing Early Onset Scoliosis with John Emans, MD
Managing Scoliosis in the Young Neuromuscular Patient: Definitive Fusion is Better than Growing Rods with Burt Yaszay, MD
Avoiding Complications in Neuromuscular Deformity with Amer Samdani, MD
Complications of Early Onset Scoliosis with Burt Yaszay, MD
9 Year Old Male with Cerebral Palsy & Pelvic Obliquity - Growth Modulation with Growing Roads vs. Definite PSF by Peter Gabos, MD
EXPEDIUM VERSE® System - Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy Closure with Randal Betz, MD, Baron Lonner, MD, and Suken Shah, MD
EXPEDIUM VERSE® System - Fine Tuning with Randal Betz, MD, Baron Lonner, MD, and Suken Shah, MD
Deformity through Translation with Baron Lonner, MD & Suken Shah, MD