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Surgery of the Lesser Toe Deformity - Brian Loder, DPM

Posterior Ankle Fracture Fixation Surgical Technique with Megan Paulus, MD

Medial Malleolus Fracture Reduction Techniques with Megan Paulus, MD

Ankle Fracture Classifications and Approaches with Megan Paulus, MD

Ankle Fractures Indications with Megan Paulus, MD

Dorsal Approach Talonavicular Joint Arthrodesis with Alan Ng, DPM

Posterior Calcaneal Slide Osteotomy with Sean Grambart, DPM

Lapidus Arthrodesis Using 90/90 Continuous Compression Implants with Sean Grambart, DPM

Hammertoe Correction Using Screw Fixation with Sean Grambart, DPM

Subtalar Joint Arthrodesis with Alan Ng, DPM

Weil Osteotomy with Sean Grambart, DPM

Anterior Approach Ankle Arthrodesis with Alan Ng, DPM