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An Image From "What is your Post Op Process for LINX® Reflux Management System with F. Paul Buckley III, MD"
What is your Post Op Process for LINX® Reflux Management System with F. Paul Buckley III, MD
An image From "Large Hiatal Hernia - LINX Sizer"
Large Hiatal Hernia - LINX Sizer
An Image From "Redefining Reflux Surgery with Gopal Grandhige, MD"
Redefining Reflux Surgery with Gopal Grandhige, MD
An Image from "Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Surgical Treatment - Gopal Grandhige, MD"
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Surgical Treatment - Gopal Grandhige, MD
LINX® Full Uneditied Procedure with Hiatal Hernia Repair
LINX® Full Unedited Procedure with Hiatal Hernia Repair
LINX Reflux Management System Procedure (Abbreviated) with John Lipham, MD
LINX Reflux Management System Procedure (Abbreviated) with John Lipham, MD
Identifying the LINX® Reflux Management System Patient
Identifying the LINX® Reflux Management System Patient
LINX Reflux Management System - Clasp Closure
LINX® Reflux Management System - Clasp Closure
Do You Have Any Thoughts on pH Testing with Tom DeMeester, MD
Do You Have Any Thoughts on pH Testing with Tom DeMeester, MD
GERD Susceptibility: Can the Anatomic Length of the LES Vary Between Patients with Tom DeMeester, MD
GERD Susceptibility: Can the Anatomic Length of the LES Vary Between Patients with Tom DeMeester, MD
Step-by-Step Demonstration of a Hiatal Hernia Repair with Blair Jobe, MD
Step-by-Step Demonstration of a Hiatal Hernia Repair with Blair Jobe, MD
Motility Assessment Prior to LINX® Surgery with John Lipham, MD
Motility Assessment Prior to LINX® Surgery with John Lipham, MD