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Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty with Craig Morrison, MD
Overview of Procedural Billing for EP Procedures
Large Hiatal Hernia - LINX Sizer
EMBOGUARD™ Balloon Guide Catheter Preparation
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Evolution & Clinical Cases with Jasbir Sra, MD
Clinical and ECG Recognition of the Malignant Mitral Valve Syndrome with Cara Pellegrini, MD
Wide Complex Tachycardias: Regular & Irregular with John Miller, MD
ECG Diagnosis and Catheter Ablation in Patients with Genetic Arrhythmia Syndromes with Henry Hsia, MD
Proximal Humerus Fractures: Intramedullary Nailing Review with Brian Vickayrous, MD
Proximal Humerus Fractures: Technique for Intramedullary Nails with Brian Vickaryous, MD
Proximal Humerus Fractures: Why Not to Nail with Brian Vickaryous, MD
Proximal Humerus Fractures: Biomechanics with Brian Vickayrous, MD