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GLOBAL UNITE Reverse Shoulder Fracture: Tuberosity Management with Carl Basamania, MD
Anatomic & Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Case Review: TRUMATCH™ Personalized Solutions
Global Unite Shoulder System: Case Review with Jacob Steuve, MD
Global Unite Shoulder System: Case Review with Hafiz Kassem, MD
GLOBAL Unite Shoulder System: Design Rationale with Scott Wisotsky, MD
ECG and Intracardiac Recordings to Diagnose and Ablate Bundle or Interfascicular VT with Jasbir Sra, MD
Clinical and ECG Recognition of the Malignant Mitral Valve Syndrome with Cara Pellegrini, MD
Approach to diagnosis and treatment of Polymorphic VT with Melvin Scheinman, MD
ECG and Intracardiac Studies in Patients With Atrial Flutter with John Miller, MD
Use of the ECG and Intracardiac Recordings to Diagnose and Demonstrate the Electrophysiologic Characteristics of Atriofascicular Pathways with Warren "Sonny" Jackman, MD
A Simple Approach to Using the ECG to Localize Accessory Pathways with Warren "Sonny" Jackman, MD
Intracardiac tracings during EP Studies for diagnosis of SVT with Jasbir Sra, MD