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Procedure Efficiency Value Brief
An Image From "Procedure Efficiency Value Brief"
BWI Therapy Advancement
An Image From "BWI Therapy Advancement"
The Value of an Emergency Room Afib Treatment Pathway
An Image From "The Value of an Emergency Room Afib Treatment Pathway"
The Value of Multidisciplinary Afib Clinics
An Image From "The Value of Multidisciplinary Afib Clinics "
The Value of Electrophysiology
An Image From "The Value of Electrophysiology"
Early Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation
An Image From "Early Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation "
Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty Product Highlights: Extraction Instruments with Bal, MD
Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty Product Highlights: Extraction Instruments with George Bal, MD
Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty Extraction Instrumentation: Case 1 with Bal MD
Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty Extraction Instrumentation: Case 1 with George Bal MD
Case Planning Overview: TSA TRUMATCH® Personalized Solutions with Stueve, MD thumbnail
Case Planning Overview: TSA TRUMATCH® Personalized Solutions with Jacob Stueve, MD
Clinical Evidence Behind the Need & Use of PSI in the Shoulder with Stueve, MD thumbnail image
Clinical Evidence Behind the Need & Use of PSI in the Shoulder with Jacob Stueve, MD
Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty Extraction Instrumentation: Case 2 with Bal MD
Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty Extraction Instrumentation: Case 2 with George Bal MD
An Image From "Adjusting the Bougie Size with Randy Seeley, MD"
Adjusting the Bougie Size with Randy Seeley, MD