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TN-ADVANCED Tibial Nailing System: Suprapatellar Approach - Nail Insertion with Matthew Graves, MD
TN-ADVANCED Tibial Nailing System: Dynamic Compression with Matthew Graves, MD
TN-ADVANCED Tibial Nailing System: Suprapatellar Approach: Opening the Tibia with Matthew Graves, MD
Sacropelvic Fixation & Iliac Crest Graft Surgical Demonstration: Surgical Demonstration with Rajesh Arakal, MD
Sacropelvic Fixation & Iliac Crest Graft Surgical Demonstration: Screw Placement with Rajesh Arakal, MD
Osteotomies: Posterior Column Releases with Stu Hershman, MD
Navigated Workflow: Rod Placement & Removing the Extensions
Occipitocervical Surgical Demonstration with Zachary Ray, MD
Indications for Rotating Platform Knee Replacement with Douglas Dennis, MD & Brian Haas, MD
XCM Biologic Tissue Matrix Component Separation Technique
Sleeve Gastrectomy with the ECHELON 3000 stapler and ECHELON Staple Line Reinforcement
Gastric Bypass Using the ECHELON™ 3000 Stapler and HARMONIC™ 1100 Shears with Elizabeth Dovec, MD