Sports Medicine Foot and Ankle Image


Featured Education

Achilles Mid-Substance Repair - Graham Hamilton, DPM Image

 Achilles Mid-Substance Repair
with Graham Hamilton, DPM

At the end of this video, you should be able to describe the surgical technique for an achilles mid-substance repair.

Brostrom Repair - Sarang Desai, MD Image

 Brostrom Repair
with Sarang Desai, MD

At the end of this video, you should be able to describe the Brostrom Gould technique for a lateral ligament stabilization repair in the ankle. 

Insertional Achiles Repair - Sarang Desai, MD Image

Insertional Achiles Repair
with Sarang Desai, MD

At the end of this video, you should be able to describe the insertional technique for an Achilles repair.   



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