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Pioneers of EP: Melvin Scheinman, MD
ICE Guided LAAO Utilizing the CARTOSOUND Module: Windsock
Overview of Procedural Billing for EP Procedures
Gender Differences in EP with Andrea Russo, MD
A Practice in Efficiency with Jose Osorio, MD
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Evolution & Clinical Cases with Jasbir Sra, MD
Clinical and ECG Recognition of the Malignant Mitral Valve Syndrome with Cara Pellegrini, MD
Wide Complex Tachycardias: Regular & Irregular with John Miller, MD
ECG Diagnosis and Catheter Ablation in Patients with Genetic Arrhythmia Syndromes with Henry Hsia, MD
Pioneers of EP: Mark E. Josephson, MD
EP Lab Efficiency: Streamlining EP Lab Workflow
Reimbursement and the Value of EP