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2D ICE Imaging for Left Atrial Appendage Closure with Sreedhar Billakanty, MD and Carlos Sanchez, MD
Transitioning from TEE to ICE by Integrating the CARTOSOUND® Module for Optimal LAA Visualization with Apoor Patel, MD
Catheter Ablation Strategies for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation with Laurent Macle, MD
Advancing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Treatment: Tailor Your Ablation Strategy for Every Patient
The CARTO® VIZIGO Sheath: EP Round Table
Atrial Anatomy for the Electrophysiologist
Sterile Covering for the SOUNDSTAR Catheter
Same Day Discharge is Clinically Safe for Patients with Sean Mazer, MD
Customized Strategy for Persistent AF with Brian James DeVille, MD
Atrial Flutter: Diagnosis & Ablation with Joshua Cooper, MD
Social Media Guidance for #Epeeps
Functional Assessment of VT Substrate with Arvindh Kanagasundram, MD